I know we just met in this virtual space but I'm going to level with you. Business owner to business owner.
You likely are suffering from what I call "The Bottleneck Syndrome". This is where you, the owner, the visionary, the Chief Everything Officer, unknowingly stifles your business' growth potential.
This is usually where our time and work together starts because this bottleneck can be dismantled, and the path to opportunities and growing profits can be cleared.
There is much going in your business that is a combination of 'not good' and can be strengthened, made better in service of running a business that seeks to increase its value and serve your customers - and professional and personal mission.
You want to get control of what's going on in your business? If you want to grow faster, more profitably and with less effort on the macro-level, then you need go deeper into the micro-level.
I am a Profit Acceleration Specialist and I help business owners get control of their KPI's through small, incremental percentage increases in multiple business strategies - finding compounding impacts that allow you, the owner, to put more money into the right bank accounts. Instead of facing a problem and thinking, "HOW can I solve this?", it's better to ask, "WHO do I know that I can partner with me to solve this? WHO can I do this with?".
I coach business owners and executives, like you, to grab control of what's already going on in your business, formulate a quick-to-results plan that moves you to...higher ground. That's a (more awesome) place where you want to be, where you need to be.
So, let's get that working for you.
In our work together, we'll take a clear-headed deep dive into what's already going on in your business because that, simply, is where the most leverage to have a deep and lasting impact on growing sales and increasing sales needs to begin.
We lock that down. Get bottom line results that bring feelings of relief and newly sparked confidence and renewed excitement to continue on working on making your business better, stronger and, yes...not lame.
From there? Yeah, then we can begin work on tweaking and expanding areas of effectiveness in your marketing and flex up on any 'big ideas' that have been sitting buried on your lower desk drawer.
The really wonder, lasting thing will gain new levels of confidence, have better outcomes and gain powerful new perspectives which will propel your business to its next level of growth and higher profits to put into your bank accounts.
Not Lame Media uses a revolutionary business assessment software that will quickly pinpoint major profit and sales impacts in any business. Your business.
These areas are often overlooked by the vast majority of owners and executives and are subsequently costing the business countless thousands of dollars every year.
It's why we start there.
Personally, I have a special mojo and expertise with helping businesses like yours create online or offline marketing that just flat-out works. My process begins by exposing the flaws in marketing that almost all businesses fall prey to and explain why these areas are stifling the growth of owners' bottom lines.
I do something very different than other coaches or consultants. It's called a...SERVE CALL. It's where I do not sell you anything!
I listen and...I serve you.
In forty minutes, I'll learn about what's going on in your business, run some numbers, find out the results and opportunities you seek, the roadblocks slowing progress and then...I will give you resources and perspectives which will leave you better off than before we hopped on the call.
No big sales pitch(promise!). If you want my help and it feels like a fit, awesome. If you want to work on the plan I'll leave you with on your own, awesome.
I'm here to serve owners like you and me, at the end of every day.
I've been where you have been. Over thirty years in the trenches of growing business brings plenty of practical wisdom to serve you on your unique journey.
Let's do that, okay?